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7 Reasons High-Net-Worth Individuals May Outlive Their Savings

The higher your wealth, the more important long-term financial planning can become.

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High-net-worth individuals, those with $1 million or more in liquid assets, may face unique challenges when it comes to preserving their wealth through retirement.

With longevity shifts, periods of heightened inflation and market volatility, traditional financial planning strategies could cause many to potentially outlive their savings.

Between asset management, navigating tax liabilities, mitigating risk and planning for unexpected expenses, complex high-net-worth portfolios could often require careful planning, execution and constant optimization.

Consulting a fiduciary financial advisor can be a great first step to getting the specialized guidance that could be necessary to help ensure you’re on track to meeting your financial goals, and helping secure your legacy for the next generation. 

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Research suggests people who work with a financial advisor could end up with about 15% more money to spend in retirement.1

A 2022 Northwestern Mutual study found that 62% of U.S. adults admit their financial planning needs improvement. However, only 35% of Americans work with a financial advisor.2 

Seeking guidance in the following areas could potentially help reduce stress and help ensure you’re not at risk of outliving your savings and may be more likely to enjoy the retirement lifestyle you’ve been planning.

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7 Reasons the Wealthy May Outlive Their Savings

1. Lifestyle Preservation

Maintaining an affluent lifestyle throughout retirement could become a significant challenge.

High-net-worth individuals often may have higher living expenses, including luxury homes, travel, and leisure activities.

Ensuring these lifestyle choices are sustainable for decades could require careful planning and regular adjustments to spending habits.

2. Longevity Risk

Longevity risk is the possibility of outliving your financial resources.

According to the Social Security Administration, a 65-year-old man today can expect to live to about 84, while a woman can expect to live to 86.5, with one in four 65-year-olds living past 90.3

This increased life expectancy means even substantial wealth could potentially be stretched thin over a lengthy retirement, reducing the amount that could be passed on, if any assets remain.

3. Market Volatility

Economic downturns may disproportionately impact larger portfolios. While high-net-worth individuals may have diversified investments, market volatility could still pose a potential threat.

Sudden declines in the stock market or real estate values could potentially erase wealth quickly, making it important to consider developing a robust risk management strategy. 

The 2008 financial crisis and 2020 COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how suddenly well-planned investment performance can be impacted with no guarantee of certain recovery.

4. Tax Implications

High-net-worth individuals may often face complex tax situations, including higher income taxes, estate taxes and capital gains taxes. Staying ahead of tax law changes and employing strategic tax planning could potentially help preserve wealth and mitigate loss.

Implementing strategies such as tax-loss harvesting or utilizing trusts could potentially help reduce taxable income and preserve wealth. The current federal estate tax exemption is $13.61 million per individual, but future changes could lower this threshold, which may increase tax liabilities for high-net-worth estates.4

5. Healthcare Costs

Fidelity Investments estimates that a 65-year-old couple retiring today could need $315,000 to cover healthcare costs in retirement.5

Long-term care, specialized treatments, and rising medical expenses may quickly deplete savings, even with comprehensive insurance. Proactively planning for these potential costs could be important to help ensure healthcare needs do not compromise financial stability.

6. Inflation Impact

Inflation could also potentially impact high-cost lifestyles in retirement. The cost of goods and services tend to rise over time, eroding purchasing power.

It can be important for high-net-worth individuals to consider inflation in their financial planning to help ensure their wealth potentially retains its value and could support their lifestyle in the future.

The Federal Reserve aims for a long-term inflation rate of around 2%, but recent years have seen inflation rates exceeding this target, further impacting purchasing power.6

7. Regulatory Changes

Changes in laws could potentially have significant implications for retirement planning and wealth preservation.

It can be important for high-net-worth individuals to stay informed about retirement account rules, estate laws, and other regulations and adjust their strategies to comply with new regulations and optimize their financial position.

How to Get Help Ensuring You Don’t Outlive Your Savings

High-net-worth individuals may face complex issues when planning for retirement, and many factors outside of investment management could potentially make a significant impact on how long assets could last.

That’s where a fiduciary financial advisor can be invaluable.

Fiduciaries may be able to help you understand your options when it comes to developing strategies to preserve assets, minimize tax liability and seamlessly pass on wealth to the next generation. Additionally, any conflicts of interest must be disclosed, and fiduciaries are obligated to work in your best interest.

Finding a fiduciary shouldn't be that hard. Thankfully, now it isn't.

SmartAsset’s free matching quiz can match you with up to three fiduciary advisors who serve your area. From there, you can compare and decide which advisor to work with. All advisors on the matching platform have been vetted through our proprietary due diligence process.

The quiz takes just a few minutes, and in many cases, you can be connected instantly with an advisor to have an introductory call.

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